Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Jangri / Mini Jangri

         I am a big fan of these Jangris. particularly the mini jangris from Lakshmi sweets. If you are from Salem, then definitely you will be knowing the famous Sweet shop Lakshmi sweets. They use to prepare fresh mini Jangris daily during evening time. I will eat upto 7-8 mini jangris at a time but not now before 7 years. Now for blog sake n for my kids i tried this Mini Jangri. Yes, this is my first attempt and was really successful.
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Senin, 15 Oktober 2012


Hi Friends & Readers

I never expect that i will be writing a "Break" post today :( Some personal issues made me to decide that i need some rest, both for my mind n body. So taking a break and i hope that all our issues solve soon so that i got same energy and enthu towards Blogging. Many times this Blogging makes me calm, relax and feel better from my problems but this time i lost my energy and totally blank...

Hope to be back soon...Thanks!!!

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Drumstick Leaves Chutney Rice With Garlic / Murungai Keerai Sadham

Hope U guys had a wonderful weekend and back to routine now. Mine too went little busy with as usual cleaning, Saturday Pooja(for Purattasi Sanikizhamai) and Sunday kids wanted to go Monkey Joe's(Play & jumping zone) And They had lots of fun playing there and don't want to go home.
From today we got to routine, waking up early morning, getting ready to school and everything in time. Before going to the recipe, i just want to Thank You all for your lovely wishes and comments on my
Previous post, Eggless Marble Cake - for 5 Lakh Hits. Thanks U Friends!!!
Today's recipe is very quick and healthy lunch box rice recipe ~ Drumstick Leaves Chutney Rice.
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Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Eggless Marble Cake / Eggless Marble Loaf Cake / Chocolate Vanilla Loaf Cake~ For 5 Lakh Hits!!!

At last my long time wish to bake a Marble cake n Zebra cake was happened Yesterday. Yaay...I baked a Marble Cake!!!!... Long back i bookmarked this Eggless Marble Cake from Sharmis Passions. And at last Yesterday baked it as a Celebration Post recipe for my Blog's 5 Lakh Hits and completely enjoyed making it.
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Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Mashed Potato Fritters ~ Vegan N Gluten Free !!

Today's recipe is simple and easy tea time snack, Mashed Potato Fritters or Potato Pakoras. I just made these fritters, clicked in hurry and now started with this post and I am busy with munching these crispy and yummy fritters. Mmmmm, so yummy!!
Yesterday made Potato Spinach Stuffed Peppers for our evening snack and used the left over filling for dinner along with some bread. But still have some plain mashed potato and thought of making Masal Bonda. As I don't have any recipes in hand/drafts, today wanted to post something Here at the same time have to make one easy and quick recipe...Then blindly tried this deep fritters which is more or less similar to onion pakora but with mashed potato and i also added few shredded carrots. It was so yummy n we liked it a lot. Once in a while can have these deep fried snacks and also the chill weather makes me craving for some spicy crispy snack n this Potato fritters are perfect. Now to the recipe....

  1. Mashed Potato     1 and 1/2 cup (4 or 5 medium potatoes boiled n mashed)
  2. Onion     1 medium(finely chopped)
  3. Carrot    1 small(shredded)
  4. Cilantro      5-6 sprigs(finely chopped)
  5. Ginger     2 tsp(finely chopped)
  6. Besan Flour/Gram Flour/Kadalai Maavu       1 cup
  7. Rice Flour      2 tbsp
  8. Chili Powder      1/2 tsp or to taste
  9. Hing     a pinch
  10. Fennel seeds      1/2 tsp
  11. Salt       to taste
  12. Water       1 tbsp

  • Boil potatoes, then peel the skin and mash it well using potato masher or spoon n keep aside.
  • In a bowl, add mashed potato, finely chopped onions, cilantro, ginger, n shredded carrots and mix everything well.
  • And in another bowl add all dry ingredients, gram flour, rice flour,salt,chili powder and hing mix well then add the dry ingredients to the potato mixture and combine well.
  • Sprinkle water and mix well to a tight dough(will be bit sticky, thats ok but not too much of moisture).
  • Now heat oil in a wok/kadai, when its get really hot, pinch a small amount of dough slightly flatten it using finger tips and drop it hot oil.
  • Fry in medium high heat, after 1 or 2 minutes turn other side and fry till it turns light golden brown and crisp.
  • Once done remove from the oil using slotted ladle and drain the excess oil in paper towel.
  • Do repeat the same for all remaining dough.
  • That's it...yummy n crispy Potato Fritters ready. Serve With any desired sauce or simply enjoy with ketchup and a cup of Masala Chai or Espresso Coffee.

Instead of chili powder, u can use finely chopped green chilies.
U can also add any desired chopped or grated vegetable to this fritters, like broccoli,cabbage,cauliflower,spinach,beets,etc.
After frying a batch of fritter, wait for a minute to get oil hot again n then start dropping the second batch and fry in medium high heat.
Do not add water than the mentioned amount to the dough mixture, moisture from the potato, onion n carrots itself enough to bind.
If u add more, your fritters won't turn crisp n also it absorbs more oil n turn soggy.
I tried baking these fritters but it doesn't come out well...besan inside the fritters didn't get cooked well, wasted 6 patties :(
Didn't tried toasting it in tawa/griddle as i don't want to waste the stuff again.

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

Spinach Paniyaram / Palak Paniyaram

I am happy to share that Spicy Treats had crossed 5 Lakh Hits this weekend and My Tons and Tons of Thanks to all my readers, fellow bloggers, daily visitors, Subscribers and Facebook Fans. This is very important milestone for my little space since its 1 year and 9 months old only. Without your support and encouragement this would not be possible, thanks again to each n every one who visit my little space and hope u will continue your support and encourage me to do more n more in the future also. I wanted to treat to U with a special post, something sweet n special but my lil' one is sick n today he is feeling much better so keep watching for the Celebration post this week :)

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