Selasa, 30 April 2013

Bread Kofta Curry / Veggie Bread balls in creamy Tomato gravy

Its a celebration weekend for us, my kid's birthday and my birthday. we had great fun and yummy foods. We had a small party at our home with few friends of my H. Its a blasting celebration with all their presence n gifts. After all cooking & cleaning am dead tired so took complete rest for two days and back to routine now. This b'day was really special to me. My blogger friends family made it more special n memorable. Some of my friends sent me surprise gifts, ecards and am overwhelmed reading it. Even brought tears due to over joy and it all showed their love n care on me n my family. Really am blessed to have them all in my life. Would love to keep this friendship for ever and praying God for the same. Thanks to everyone from bottom of my heart.
Now coming to the recipe, bread kofta curry mild rich and delicious curry with bread koftas. The bread koftas are nothing but the Bread Veggie Balls which i posted few weeks back. I used few low calorie bread veggie balls(cooked using paniyaram pan) to make this bread kofta curry. The curry turned out so good and we all enjoyed it with  soft Mulit Grain Yeast Free Naan. The recipe as follows..
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Rabu, 24 April 2013

Torcettini Di Saint Vincent / Sugar Crusted Twisted Cookies - We Knead to Bake # 4

For this Month's bread Aparna decided to bake this soft and delicious Yeasted cookies / Torcettini Di saint vincent by the We Knead to Bake Group. This is the first time am hearing this name and tried and tasted too. These yeasted cookies are so delicious with outer crsipy/crunchy sugar crust with inner soft bread like texture. These cookies are so attractive and addictive, sure one couldn't stop from munching this yummy cookies. Since these are mild sweet cookies, perfect with tea/coffee. More than my kids i loved this cookies and soon will try the choco/coffee flavored yeasted cookies. 
The recipe also very easy and simple to make compared to the previous breads this is more comfortable and i thoroughly enjoyed baking these beauties. Thank You Aparna for this delicious recipe again. Now off to the recipe..
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Selasa, 23 April 2013

Chicken Biryani / Easy Chicken Biryani (Using Yogurt/Curd)

The only one recipe which is loved by all ages - Biryani. My Kids started liking it too early, by 18 months itself both like biryani/pulao than the paruppu sadham or other less spicy foods :)So for them i make biryani lil' mushy and soft. But now they are little grown up boys and their likes n dislikes changed. The only happy thing is still they like biryani/pulao with rice grains separate no need of mushy biryani. Of all the biryanis Chicken Biryani is our Family Favorite n used to make monthly once or once in two months. Every time i used to try new recipes, last time tried Andhra Chicken Pulao and this time tried this chicken biryani from Spice india online site. Have tried this few times earlier but this time only got time to click few pics. This biryani is Easy & simple Chicken Biryani with less spices and low calorie version using Yogurt/Curd. So if your looking for low calorie version with great taste try this chicken biryani, so delicious and aromatic. Now off to the recipe..
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Minggu, 21 April 2013

Naan / Naan Recipe Without Yeast / Naan Using Multi Grain Flour

Hope u all had a fantastic weekend, mine too went well. Wish u a energetic n happy week ahead  :) Today's recipe is Naan/leavened flat bread without yeast. I mostly  use whole wheat flour for all my rotis/Paratha but this time i bought multi grain flour instead of whole wheat flour. Compared to wheat flour multi grain flour rotis are lil' different in taste n u will feel the more fiber content. But health wise Multi grain flour are nutritious, contains more fiber, vitamin B n realted minerals, low calorie etc. so Alternatively i am using whole wheat n multi grain flours.
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Jumat, 19 April 2013

Puli Aval / Tamarind Poha Upma

Poha/Poha Upma, one of our favorite breakfast recipe and i often make this for busy weekday's breakfast. Since its very easy and quick to make when u are in hurry and also my kids love this poha a lot. Recently while updating Spicy Treats' Recipe Index i noticed that i haven't posted this Simple Puli Aval but i have posted few varities of Poha earlier, simple Poha Upma, Lemon Poha, Coconut Poha, Vella Aval/Sweet Poha , Broccoli Poha, Spinach Poha, Mango Poha, Tomato Poha. So today's recipe is Puli Aval / Tamarind Poha Upma is one more addition to the Poha recipes.
Of all the varities i love this Tangy Puli and lemon Poha more. The tanginess of tamarind and the crunchy taste of peanuts, dal makes this simple upma very tasty and filling. This puli aval can be made as a nevadiyam to offer God on special occasions or on Fasting days. Now to the simple & quick Puli Aval Recipe...
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Kamis, 18 April 2013

Broccoli Pesto Pasta / Creamy Broccoli Pesto Pasta / Whole Grain Penne Pasta With Broccoli Pesto

I rarely make Pasta/Macroni/Sphagetti recipes since my H doesn't like pasta so only for me and my kids i make once in a bluemoon. That too will use only whole grain pasta in my recipes. After a very long time made this super quick, healthy and yummy Broccoli Pesto Pasta. Love Broccoli in any form, when i saw this broccoli pesto in Raks Kitchen immediately i bookmarked it and finally today made this Yummy Pasta with slight variation. I have seen in some of the recipes adding greek yogurt or cream to broccoli pesto pasta so i tried adding hung curd/fresh thick curd and it worked out and the pasta turned out so creamy and yummy with broccoli crunch. My lil' one totally loved this pasta i did not add Parmesan cheese to my pasta its totally a low calorie and healthu version. You can serve it as a meal or as a salad. Either way its yummy and filling. Now to the recipe...
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Rabu, 17 April 2013

Bread Veggie Balls / Bread Vegetable Rolls / Bread Croquettes ~ Easy Bread snack recipes!

Recently noticed that I did not post any snack recipe in my blog for long time, so i wanted to share some easy n quick snack. So started squeezing my brain to make something interesting, filling n quick snack which is loved by both kids and adults. Then went on a hunt in my kitchen and noticed that my bread has to be used within a day, so decided to make a snack using the bread slices and thus this bread veggie balls born :)
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Kamis, 11 April 2013

Chickpeas Methi Masala BrownRice / Kala Channa Methi Brown Rice - Healthy Brown Rice Recipes!

Today's recipe is simple yet perfect recipe for people who diet and looking for low calorie, high fiber n healthy recipes. You can diet and still enjoy yummy and delicious recipes by adding high fiber or whole grain in your every day meal. I regularly add brown rice instead of white rice, but some times get bored to eat as such with side dish. So sometimes will make one pot meal with addition of vegetables and spices. This chickpeas methi masala brown rice is one such easy n filling recipe. I used 1/4 cup or less chickpeas, methi, few carrots and peas little spices and put everything together tossed. It is so simple and sounds delicious right? Yeah its healthy and filling too. Here you go..
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Selasa, 09 April 2013

Tofu Mutter Masala / Tofu Peas Curry - Vegan & Healthy Side Dish!!

Hi friends due to some personal issues couldn't able to post any recipes here. Hope at least by this week will be regular to blogging (but not sure i can able to do it). Missed all your lovely recipes n but kept watching few of your recipes in FB but not bale to comment on any of your space. Plz spare me am getting back to routine after a small injury so it takes some time to join u all. Hope u understand me n my position :)
Now coming to today's recipe, completely a vegan, healthy n yummy side dish using Tofu and Green Peas. I rarely buy/make paneer for kids and mostly use Tofu in place of paneer. Tofu is rich in protein, vegan n low in calories. But Tofu doesn't tastes so good like paneer if u add it as such or plain tofu, so i used to toast/bake it with spices before adding it to the curry, by this way it tastes crisp, spicy n yummy with the curry. Give it a try, u will love it.
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Senin, 08 April 2013

Announcing Home Baker's Challenge

We are a group of friends who love baking have joined hands together. Our motive is to learn and excel in baking, helping each other. One fine day, we were discussing about Baking and its techniques and suddenly we got an idea what if we start a group and bake together, so that we can learn things together. Thus this group, Home Bakers Challenge was born. This is how it works, every month one person of the team will suggest a recipe and all the members have to bake the recipe and reveal it on the said date. By doing this we get to learn new techniques and explore the side of baking which otherwise we would not have ventured so. With the support and suggestions from the group members this is possible. Do you find this interesting? Do you love baking? Do you want to learn new techniques? If your answer is yes, then come and join hands with us.
We have created a group in Face book, do join us there, for more information on the group.

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