Senin, 24 September 2012

Oats Spiced Buttermilk / Oats Buttermilk Porridge/Congee

Oats Spiced buttermilk / Oats Buttermilk Porridge, first Oats recipe in My space. Before My marriage because of some health issue i gained my weight little more. So Dr. advised to reduce weight and to follow strict diet, no junk foods, no deep fried snacks, no chocolate, ice creams, sweets n the list was too big n its all my fav :( But at the same time my health is also more important to me, so i sacrificed everything and about for a year n half i was in strict diet, medications n regular exercises. Only That time i was introduced to Oats n Oats recipes by dietitian. And this Oats Moor Congee was also taught by her. I used to take this for my breakfast, very simple healthy n filling recipe. A glass of this congee n a desired choice of fruit is enough to start your day in a healthy way.
As i was taking this for long time in daily basis, almost a year so i got strong aversion towards Oats n stopped adding oats to my diet in any form. More than 2-3 yrs i stopped it n recently felt that my aversion towards oats was reduced n started including it Weekly once or twice in idly, adai n paniyaram form(posting it soon). After a very very long time Friday made this Mooru congee for my breakfast n really loved it. And also wanted to share this healthy recipe with u. Now to the recipe...
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