Kamis, 13 September 2012

Orange Loaf Cake / Low Calorie Orange Loaf Cake With Olive Oil

From this September my elder one started going Kindergarten, he really love his new school, friends and above all the School Bus...he daily come home by school bus and like it so much :) But the only thing he dislike or struggles, waking up early in the morning, at least he should wake up by 6.30am(his usual time 8 or 8.15am). Somehow last week he managed to wake up and went to school in time. So as a treat i baked this Orange Loaf Cake for him. He n lil' one really loved it. And from this week he gets to routine :) My kids again ordered for some chocolate cake with cream, so will be baking it soon for them. Now to the recipe, long back i bookmarked this Orange Loaf cake from USMasala. I have tried few recipes from her space n never disappointed, this loaf cake is very simple, so soft n delicious cake. It came out so well, only mistake is lil' burnt top...otherwise it was a flavorful n delicious loaf. We really loved it a lot n we finished the entire loaf within 3 days :) Do give it a try. The recipe as follows...
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