Kamis, 01 November 2012

Corn Flour Halwa / Karachi Halwa ~ Easy Diwali Sweets

Hi Friends
I am Back after a short break and i am so excited too. The reason for my absence, i was so much shocked n depressed due to our Car accident. It was little major accident and our car was totaled :(
But by God's grace nothing was happened to us and we all were safe except me got little wounds here n there. We really miss our old car n now its salvaged :( After a week/10 days we somehow recovered from the shock and depression. And till this week i was not in a mood to Blog but after talking with my friend i was consoled and also after hearing a very similar issue from her side and she said everyone is having their own problem, so don't worry about the past n be cheerful with your family. Yes, life has to go on and we should be brave enough to face all ups n downs.
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