Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Chilli Tomato Paratha / Spicy Tomato Chapathi

This is one of my recent experiment which turned out Super Hit with my kids. Week days dinner will be mostly Chapathi & Curry. My kid wanted his chapathi to be colorful, like green(Palak Paratha), Yellow(Dal Paratha), Pink(beets Paratha) and this time he asked me,
Sanjay - Mommy, do u know to make red color or blue color chapathi?! Daily its boring to eat plain            
               chapathi...can u make some red or blue chapathi today?
Me -   sure dear, which color u want Red or Blue?! (Praying myself that he should say "Red" and not
           blue :)
Sanjay - after lil' red color chapathi & tomorrow blue ok?!
Me -   Thank God!! :) and started thinking what to add for red color?!
First thought to make chapathi with Pizza sauce then changed my mind since wanted to use fresh vegetables and made this mild Tangy & Spicy Tomato Chapathi. The chapathi tasted so good and both Sanjay & Akshay loved it and asked me to make it again :)I served this chili tomato paratha with Coconut Chutney and that combo also worked. I was happy that becoz of Sanjay i got one new post to share here..U too try this for your kids and let me know the result. Now off to the recipe...
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