Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

Chicken Pasta | Spicy Chicken Pasta

Chicken is the only meat we eat once or twice in a month. And i mostly prepare a curry or Biryani every time. But because of my Blog and readers' request I started trying few other chicken recipes like Chicken Kebab, Chicken Cutlets and this Chicken Pasta. Chicken Pasta is something unusual and new recipe which i tried it for the first time with my own recipe, this is completely not a Indian version & not a fusion too. Its a simple and yummy Chicken Pasta with mild spices which is perfect for kids. This chicken pasta turned out so good and my kids loved it a lot. I added only couple of tablespoons of carrot and capsicum to make it more filling and colorful. You can add your desired veggies or make it a plain chicken pasta. Now off to the recipe
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