Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Baigan Masala Dosa

              Today's recipe is an interesting recipe with a left over dish. I have tried Broccoli Potato Masala Dosa,Cauliflower Masal Dosa,Tomato Masala Dosa,Mushroom masal Dosa and here comes Baigan Masala Dosa with left over Baigan Bharta. This time Eggplant which i bought was too big and i made Baigan Bharta in huge portion. After using it for lunch and dinner and i had some left over. Not willing to eat them again in same way, so wanna tried some masala dosa with Red Chutney. Really it was different and so yummy with Red chutney combo. But on that day my kids were not feeling well, so i couldn't concentrate more on the presentation n picture, Simply i clicked few shots and finished the session. Trust me,Its really worth to give a try. Now to the recipe..
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