Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Reposting For the Event - Desserts !

         First of all I wish all my Indi-bloggers and readers a very Happy Independence Day. Today wanted to share some sweets on this great day. So re-posting few for the event.  I feel that after coming to WI me and my family are more prone to infections and often we suffer from cold and flu. Last season also we four suffered lot and 4 times went to emergency (for kids) . And again this season also for the past two months every week one or the other got sick. This week again its my turn, from yesterday suffering from severe sore throat and running nose :( Weather is also getting worst day by day. My cupboard is now completely filled with all medicines-antibiotics,tonics,tablets,vicks,Halls etc. Dunno how we are going to manage another 2-3 months. That's the reason for my absence here n on your blogs' too.
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