Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Whole Wheat Ragi chocolate Cupcakes ~ Coffee Flavor !!

          Final day of Blogging Marathon under the theme, "whole grain dishes" and today i wanted to end the session with a healthy delight, Whole wheat Ragi Chocolate Cupcakes with coffee flavor and a eggless version too. Before entering in to the recipe, i would like to thank you all my dearies you showered your love and concern Yesterday via your comments. Really i felt relaxed after reading all your encouraging words. Today last of BM and i don't want to miss that as i have already made the recipe 2 days before but couldn't click well as i was so much disturbed with my knee pain.
         Today i didn't even cook anything, idle watching some cartoons :) Sure no cooking n blogging but i have some recipes in hand will use that once in 10days or whenever i feel lonely n depressed will come Here n meet u all. Since blogging is the only relaxation,recreation and u My Fellow bloggers are the only friends for me now to share ...so i don't want to miss u all...Once AGain my Heartfelt thanks to everyone for your love,support n wishes...Don't forget me n my little space :) !!
        Ok now coming to the recipe, i came across this Ragi Chocolate Cake in Lite Bite when i was googling for Ragi bakes. I tried this recipe with whole wheat flour and the result was super and tasted so good. But becuase ot whole wheat flour,the liquid ingredients which mentioned was not enough then i added 1 cup of hot water to the cake mix and baked them bravely. To my surprise it turned out so soft n delicious. And also instead of cinnamon i added Instant coffee powder that was also a Hit. Later i thought,if we add the coffee powder to the hot water n then pour the black coffee to the cake mix to get real n more coffee flavor. So next time will try n update the result. Now to the recipe...

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Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Brown Rice Ragi Idly - Diabetic Friendly Recipes !

             Today wasn't in a mood to blog, my knee pain was more and not able to sit and do or concentrate on anything. I feel that i should take some break and look after my health. I was suffering with this knee pain for almost 4 years, yes i fell and got injured during my first pregnancy and that time i took Physiotherapy treatment to relieve from pain and did not diagnose the actual problem. Then after delivery with Infant and second pregnancy this and that...i did not look at my leg pain so far...Yesterday, got appointment and went to hospital and after 2 hours examination, She concluded that my knee got misalignment of ligaments and it can be cured by taking PT and made appointments till April end and hope for the good result. So till that i could not concentrate on blogging and blog hop so planning to take a short break.
          Ok will move to today's recipe...Day 6 of Blogging Marathon and today's whole grain recipe nothing but very easy and simple Brown Rice Ragi Idly. I planned to make stuffed idly but because of this knee pain decided to lessen my job and finished with plain idly alone. I often make idly with brown rice and this time for a change added Ragi flour to my Brown Rice Idly batter . It turned out good but compared to idly dosa came out really good. My kids loved idlis more than the dosa.
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Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Onion Bell Peppers Pull Apart Rolls / Whole Wheat Pull Apart Rolls

  Today for Day 5 of Blogging Marathon, I chosen Onion Bell Pull Apart Rolls using Whole wheat flour and Cracked wheat for the theme, "Whole Grain Dishes". This is purely another experiment with whole wheat flour and cracked wheat. Actually i started to make onion bell pepper Foccacia Bread but fotunately ended with this yummy snack rolls :) Yes, its my long time wish to bake some spicy Foccacia bread, i love onion bell pepper foccacia which we order at Panera Breads. So i wanted to try myself but at the last moment my mind changed and i wanted to bake a savory snack similar to my Garlic Pull Apart Rolls. Then used the onion and bell pepper as a filling in two ways...yes 1 with Italian Seasoning and another one with Indian Masala mix. Guess which one tunred out so flavorful n yummy?? yes...the one with Indian Masala mix, bit hot and we liked it.          
        This time i wanted to add some cracked wheat also, long back have seen a bread recipe using cracked wheat but i forgot to bookmark it seems...so blindly proceeded to my own recipe and atlast it turned out to be super dooper hit. But i dunno the reason why my rolls didn't turn brown like My Garlic Pull Apart Rolls. Other than that it was fine...may be due to whole wheat flour or i dunno?! but tastewise it was perfect...Okk now to the recipe...

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Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Cracked Wheat Sweet Corn Payasam

        Day 4 of Blogging Marathon Under the theme "Whole grain dishes" and today's recipe , sweet Payasam with cracked wheat n sweet corn. This is my another successful experiment :) I listed down the wholegrains in pantry - whole wheat flour,brown rice,cracked wheat, whole grain pasta,Ragi.Corn n other legumes. I planned to make recipes with these ingredients and in the row today coming "Cracked Wheat Sweet corn Payasam". I tried this payasam similar to my kids' favorite Moongdal Payasam/Pasiparuppu Payasam. It tasted divine and i am so so happy with the experiment.  Now to the recipe...

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Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Vegetable Whole Grain Pasta / Vegetable Penne Pasta

           For the Day 3 of Blogging Marathon Under the theme "Whole Grain Dishes" I am going to share an interesting and Delicious Penne Pasta(whole grain) recipe. This is the slightly adapted from RachaelRay's Summer Vegetable Pasta recipe. Few weeks back i bought Italian style Breadcrumbs from Walmart to fry Salmon for my kids. Other than that i dunno what to do with the bread crumbs, i simply used to make Oven Roasted Broccoli. When i saw this pasta recipe @ rachaelraysmag.com i was so much attracted as the recipe calls for Italian style bread crumbs, so without second thought i bookmarked it and tried few days back for my breakfast. I tweaked the recipe little as i lack zucchini, I used Mixed vegetable and also substituted basil with Parsley. The result was awesome, pasta without any sauce or blend if Indian Masala, simply sauteing with garlic,vegs n finally with the touch of Italian style breadcrumbs...very tasty n flavorful one...Generally i don't like cheese so i avoided that also...overall it was a super healthy n tasty breakfast. Great enough to kick starts one's day,do give it a try n let me know h it turned out to you....Now to the recipe...
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Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Whole Wheat Corn Roti / Adai N Carrot Raitha

        Day 2 of Blogging Marathon Under the theme "Whole Grain Dishes" and today's healthy and fiber rich recipe, Whole Wheat Corn Adai. More than Adai dosa i like this Wheat Adai and Ragi Adai more. My grandmom makes this wheat/godhumai adai often and give us for evening tiffin/Dinner. These adai are very tasty n wholesome perfect for light Dinner. To make it more healthy, i added sweet corn to my regular wheat adai that turned out so soft and flavorful adai. I made Carrot Raitha to go with this adai, on the whole it was so satifying and yummy dinner. Now to the recipe...

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Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Mixed Veg Brown Rice Tawa Pulao

 Happy to do the Blogging Marathon # 14 again with those lovely group of friends and for this edition I chosen the theme "Whole Grain Dishes" for all seven days. So stay tuned for more healthy, wholesome and Tasty Dishes for the following seven days. I was so much attracted to the Dosa Theme but i already have few Dosa Varieties and this "Whole Grain Dishes" suits well to my "Fiber Rich Foods" event so i can link to My own event also :)
            For the past 15 days, i was following some diet plan & workout and today when i checked my weight i lost 1.2lb, that sounds great na. Yes, its fine for me i don't want to be slim but want to maintain BMI so i am happy with this result and would like to continue the same. I completely stopped the intake of white rice and replaced with Brown Rice for lunch only. Instead of having plain brown rice with curry n Poriyal I tried this Tawa Pulao with more mixed vegs. This is very easy and filling recipe. I had this Tawa Puloa with cucumber raitha n Cabbage bell pepper stir fry...so My lunch was so delicious n satisfying. Now to the recipe...

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Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Whole Wheat Banana Loaf / Eggless Whole Wheat Banana Bread

            Today we are in 15th edition of Blog Hop Wednesday, and for this week i am paired with the Master/Founder of Blog Hop Wednesday - Radhika. This time i decided to Bake something from her space and chosen "Eggless Banana Loaf" . This recipe was very easy and eggless version of banana bread. Simply i tried her recipe with Whole Wheat flour and replaced butter with olive oil. It just come out really good but except the burnt Top :( Its due to the over ripe bananas and also i set alarm for 30 minutes but i didn't get the alarm n finally ran to open by the burning smell. I was so upset to see the top but the inner part n overall bread was so soft n delicious. So cut the burnt part n enjoyed the remaining and also managed to clicks few pictures with the slices. Ok now to the recipe...
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Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Vendhaya Kuzhambu / Methi Seeds Tamarind Curry

         Today's recipe, Vendhya Kuzhambu is one of my Mom's speical recipe. This is bit different from regular Puli Kuzhambu. I just love its flavor n taste very much. But u won't believe that i didn't even tried for almost 5 years. I wonder h i forgot such authentic and yummy recipe. Thanks Vardhini for her spice choice , so that at least now i am able to make it. I called my mom n got recipe from her and made it exactly as per her instrucution but still i miss that taste n texture. My Mom learnt this recipe from My Grandmom and everytime when Amma make this kuzhambu, she use to that she didn't her mom's taste n perfection :) So it shows Amma's Samayal is the best n none can compensate it. H many of u agree that?? !!
       During Summer days daily morning in empty stomach, Mom force us to swallow 1tsp of methi seeds along with thin buttermilk. This is compulsory for me n my sister. I used to cry a lot to swallow  methi seeds but now i understand the importance of it. It cures all abdominal pains n illness due to heat n other related problems. Have u tried such home remedies?? This single recipe reminded me of so many things and i really enjoyed making this kuzhambu with all those lovely moments. This Kuzhambu has very mild bitter taste so i was worried whether my H like it or not but i made this specially for me as I love this a lot but unfortunately my H too liked it and even My elder one also had this along with curd rice. So hereafter no worries will make this more often :) Ok now to the recipe....

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Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Blueberry Mocktail ~ With Mint touch !!

    Recently i fall in love with Mocktails made out of fresh fruit juices. These fruit Mocktails are very refreshing and energetic. Though here the Climate doesn't require such drinks/thirst quencher I am making it for my event and enjoying a lot :) After my Orange Mocktail attempt, i tried similar drink with Blueberries along with some mint, but the recipe was adapted from The Daily Meal. To my surprise this mocktail was so soothing and yummy one. Loved its mint touch. The recipe as follows:

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Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Herb salad - For Gourmet Seven

         A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainity - Rudyard Kipling
 Happy Women's Day Friends. I always feel proud to be a Woman but there are some situation which makes to feel bad for the same. H about you gals?!!!!
         Now coming to the recipes, For this month's The Gourmet Seven we decided to prepare some exotic Salads and landed on 101cookbooks. Salads are not new to me weekly three times i make Sundal or simply boil any legume/lentils , mix with onion tomatoes, then stir in lemon honey dressing. This is routine at my home and my H love Salads. When i went to India, he managed his days with only salads n fruits. He love to eat raw vegs/legumes/fruits as such without tossed in dressing. He badly hates the dressing part, Dunno the reason but me straight opposite to him :) love salads mainly for its dressing part n not interested to eat them raw. My kids also like me they too love the dressing part, mainly the simple Mayo dressing.
        As i love the dressing part more, i chosen this Herb Salad. Yes, this salad include simple ingredients with Avocado dressing...Mmmmm...Yummy !! We even enjoyed the left over dressing as a Topping (mixed with some finely chopped cucmber,onion,tomato,cilantro)to go with Multi-grain Toppers. You can even enjoy this Avocado dressing as a sandwich spread. And the other main part of the recipe, "Herbs" - Cilantro,Basil & Chives. Cilantro is not a new one we daily use in our day-to-day's cooking, Basil i have used once or twice in cooking but Chives i tried for the first time. I added only 2 chopped basil leaves n few chopped chives, as my H doesn't like its strong flavor. The herbs doesn't smell anything until i tossed it with the salad ingredients, so adjust to your taste. And for the crunchy part i used Peanuts n Pecans instead Pepitas. Peanuts tasted so good with the corn n beans. Try this salad with rich avocado dressing, sure u will love it. Now to the recipe...
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Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Orange Mocktail

       Here in WI its still warm Winter only but I started making summer drinks for My Summer Splash event :) Last week when i searched for some mocktails/summer drinks i got to know more interesting mocktail recipes. In the line, first coming Orange Mocktail from Sharmis Passion. This is really really so refreshing and yummy drink. A perfect thirst quencher too, one of the best drink for Summer. I little tweaked or i could say adjusted with my available ingredients. For this recipe, i used fresh Navel Oranges and Lemon Soda(Sprite) both turned amazingly so good and we enjoyed it. My kids were so attracted by the color and especially the straw :) And Yesterday many of you also liked it r?!... i bought it in Dollar Tree, Easter Collections.

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Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Apple Blueberry Milkshake

  Today's recipe is simple but healthy, low calorie Milkshake with Apple and blueberries. This is aother delicious n healthy combo. I love all kinds of berries n this blueberries comes first. This is one small not good looking fruit but loaded with lots n lots of micronutrients, Vitamins, and also rich in antioxidants n dietary fiber. When apples n blueberries put together turned out to a awesome n delectable combo. If u haven't tried this combo so far plz give it a try. Instead of Vanilla ice cream i used low fat milk n vanilla imitation. Apple gives the dense n creamy texture n vanilla flavor with milk all combined together to a yummy milkshake w/o icecream. The recipe as follows...

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