Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Whole Wheat Ragi chocolate Cupcakes ~ Coffee Flavor !!

          Final day of Blogging Marathon under the theme, "whole grain dishes" and today i wanted to end the session with a healthy delight, Whole wheat Ragi Chocolate Cupcakes with coffee flavor and a eggless version too. Before entering in to the recipe, i would like to thank you all my dearies you showered your love and concern Yesterday via your comments. Really i felt relaxed after reading all your encouraging words. Today last of BM and i don't want to miss that as i have already made the recipe 2 days before but couldn't click well as i was so much disturbed with my knee pain.
         Today i didn't even cook anything, idle watching some cartoons :) Sure no cooking n blogging but i have some recipes in hand will use that once in 10days or whenever i feel lonely n depressed will come Here n meet u all. Since blogging is the only relaxation,recreation and u My Fellow bloggers are the only friends for me now to share ...so i don't want to miss u all...Once AGain my Heartfelt thanks to everyone for your love,support n wishes...Don't forget me n my little space :) !!
        Ok now coming to the recipe, i came across this Ragi Chocolate Cake in Lite Bite when i was googling for Ragi bakes. I tried this recipe with whole wheat flour and the result was super and tasted so good. But becuase ot whole wheat flour,the liquid ingredients which mentioned was not enough then i added 1 cup of hot water to the cake mix and baked them bravely. To my surprise it turned out so soft n delicious. And also instead of cinnamon i added Instant coffee powder that was also a Hit. Later i thought,if we add the coffee powder to the hot water n then pour the black coffee to the cake mix to get real n more coffee flavor. So next time will try n update the result. Now to the recipe...

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