Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Onion Bell Peppers Pull Apart Rolls / Whole Wheat Pull Apart Rolls

  Today for Day 5 of Blogging Marathon, I chosen Onion Bell Pull Apart Rolls using Whole wheat flour and Cracked wheat for the theme, "Whole Grain Dishes". This is purely another experiment with whole wheat flour and cracked wheat. Actually i started to make onion bell pepper Foccacia Bread but fotunately ended with this yummy snack rolls :) Yes, its my long time wish to bake some spicy Foccacia bread, i love onion bell pepper foccacia which we order at Panera Breads. So i wanted to try myself but at the last moment my mind changed and i wanted to bake a savory snack similar to my Garlic Pull Apart Rolls. Then used the onion and bell pepper as a filling in two ways...yes 1 with Italian Seasoning and another one with Indian Masala mix. Guess which one tunred out so flavorful n yummy?? yes...the one with Indian Masala mix, bit hot and we liked it.          
        This time i wanted to add some cracked wheat also, long back have seen a bread recipe using cracked wheat but i forgot to bookmark it blindly proceeded to my own recipe and atlast it turned out to be super dooper hit. But i dunno the reason why my rolls didn't turn brown like My Garlic Pull Apart Rolls. Other than that it was fine...may be due to whole wheat flour or i dunno?! but tastewise it was perfect...Okk now to the recipe...

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