Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Cracked Wheat Upma / Cracked Wheat Recipes

Today's recipe is a nutritional n diabetic friendly recipe, Upma using cracked wheat/Dalia/Fada. Upma are quick, simple & a saver recipe on pretty busy days. I reduced using white rava except for Rava dosa rarely and completely use this cracked wheat for upma. As this Cracked Wheat are not processed one its so healthy n rich in fiber too. This is one perfect n healthy recipe for Diabetic people. This cracked wheat surely controls/lower the sugar level, i myself experienced this during my gestational diabetes. This cracked wheat upma & cracked wheat pongal are my constant breakfast recipes on those time. Not only for diabetic people generally its good to include cracked wheat in our diet and its a great breakfast recipe choice for diet, calorie n health conscious people. Now off to the recipe...
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