Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Beets Pasta Payasam / Beets Pasta Kheer

I always prepare Payasam/Kheer for all special occasions at home. As today also a special day as its viji;s birthday i prepared this Beets Pasta Payasam. This is my first try with beets and pasta combo, have tried pasta/macaroni payasam before but the combo turned out so good. My H who doesn't like Pasta in any way loved this creamy beets pasta kheer. I usually add ground nuts powder to my payasam but for a change i added ground almond & cashew paste. Over all a rich, creamy and delicious payasam. So give it a try to impress your family and guest with this colourful and delicious Beets Pasta Payasam. Here you go...
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