Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Fresh Papaya Juice / Papaya Grape Juice - Vegan Papaya Juice

For Vegan Thursday today I am sharing a simple but healthy Juice Recipe using Papaya, Grape and Strawberry. We take Papaya regularly and for me its a compulsory since Papaya has tons of nutritional benefits - good for Eyes, skin and the high content Anti oxidants helps to reduce cholesterol and also controls premature ageing, the high fiber and low calorie nature helps in weight loss and a natural blood purifier and body cleanser. So without fail at least once in a month I take papaya. This time the Papaya was bit over ripe but mostly i like the perfectly ripe fruits not the over ripe ones except the Mangoes. So again the over ripe Papaya turned into this delicious drink along with some grape, strawberry and with the hint of lemon. Over all a power packed drink with tons of benefits and filling drink that is perfect for breakfast or take it as a snack when you are on diet or if you need a healthy, low calorie & filling snack. As all my fruits were well ripe and sweet i added only 1/2 tsp to balance the sweet & sour.
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