Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe | Vanilla Strawberry Milkshake Recipe | Fresh Strawberry Recipe Ideas!

Strawberry Milkshake
Milkshake or Ice cream Milkshake, The only milk based drink that my kids love. My kids usually prefer lemonade or mocktail kind of drinks and very rarely likes milk based drinks that too only milkshake and Strawberry Milkshake is their most favorite of all. Milkshake or smoothies can be prepared with very less or available ingredients. These less ingredients recipes sometimes does magic in our kitchen sure to please everyone with its deliciousness. And one such simple recipe is this Strawberry Milkshake recipe. Also these milkshake/smoothies are easiest way to feed fresh fruits to the fussy eaters. But my kids they prefer milkshake or smoothies only if it is prepared with strawberries or Banana or chocolate.
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