Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Chocolate Coconut Muffins ~ Eggless N Butterless !!

  Happy Valentines Day to all my Friends & Readers. Today my kids too clebrating their first Valentines Day with their friends & teachers in school by giving cards n gifts. My boys were so active today... wore new dress and got ready soon without troubling mom. So eager to give gifts to their friends n teachers. Its really nice to see them socialised. They even have fav friend, fav teacher likes n dislikes :) The day started all with their cute smiling faces n warm kisses...:))
     Even I celebrated many Valentines day with my friends, those were ever green days...After falling in love with "Him" my life had totally changed. My likes n dislikes narrowed and all my thinkings dreams were all about MY Valentine only. I still remember my first Valentine gift to Him. The year 2000 was more special to us, it was the year(May) i accepted His proposal. Our 2 years friendship was extended to life time and we decided to hold hands till our last breathe.
      I don't believe that only by giving gifts one can prove or show their love  but still I love to give gifts n like to see His face brightened with all smile n surprise.
      Now about today's recipe, I made this Chocolate Coconut Muffins long back and didn't expect that i will post this today or else i could have used related props. I was not feeling well for past few days or else i could have made a new recipe. Anyway i have at least one sweet chocolate recipe to share on this special day. These muffins are eggless n butter less and also very quick and simple recipe. This is a very soft n moist delicious muffins, i added sweetend coconut flakes so reduced the amount of sugar. You can add the same amount as mentioned in the original recipe if using normal coconut flakes. I served these muffins with chocolate glaze both turned out finger licking good. Now to the recipe...
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