Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Garlic Rasam / Poondu Rasam

         Day 3 of Blogging Marathon Under the theme "Rasam" and today's special rasam , Garlic /Poondu Rasam. This super tasty n flavor rich rasam is especially for all garlic lovers. This is also one of my fav rasam, i just love its flavor n taste of garlic which dominates more in the rasam. After a long time i made this rasam and the rasam came out perfectly. Like Kollu Rasam i use crushed cumin n pepper and do not add rasam powder. For garlic rasam, "Naatu Poondu" will be the best one for real flavor n taste. But here we don't find that garlic variety so use any garlic available but i recommend to use garlic with its skin do not peel n chop....just crush n use. The recipe as follows...

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