Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Salmon Fish Fry ~ Indian Style !

      I hesitate to share any non-veg recipe since most of my blogger friends were pure veg :) That's y you don't see any non veg recipes now-a-days. And also i don't make them often and every time i use to try my bookmarked recipes from other blogs n sites. I learned and tried some recipes from my dear friend Malar's Kitchen Tantra. And also we do not eat any non-veg items except chicken, but my kids n Mr.V like this Fish fry. I make it monthly once or once in two months. This time i managed to take some pictures to share it in my blog. Couldn't present you well as kids were in hurry n hungry to taste this yummy fry :) Mr.V  buy only Salmon fillets, its easy to clean and it doesn't have any thorns...so easy to feed and my kids really love this Salmon Fillets Fry a lot. You can use this fish fry recipe to make any fish fry. Its very simple and quick except the marination time. I always prefer homemade masala i don't use store bought chilli fish fry.  I add some corn flour to the masala for extra crispy and tasty fry.   Now to the recipe...

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