Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Vendhaya Rasam

        From Today we are starting the second week of Blogging Marathon Edition#13 and for this week my selected theme was "Seven Days of Rasam" . After a week of successful BM under Rice theme I am not yet tired and begin the fun with seven types of Rasam. Rasam, one of the staple menu of  a complete South Indian Meal n its very common and favorite at my home too. My fav rasam was Tomato Rasam, and i have already share some four rasam types but still find easy to make 7 rasam variety. For the Day 1, Vendhaya Rasam...I remember my neighbor maami makes different kinds of rasam daily and also she share a small cup of rasam daily to us but i never bothered about the recipe. Recently i saw this rasam recipe in Tomato Blues immediately i bookmarked and tried it . The next week i saw Valli's BM schedule with Rasam as one of the theme. So again i made this recipe and took pictures to share it on my blog. Very flavorful and tasty rasam i liked its unique taste, it wan't bitter so good n appetizing. Now to the recipe...

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