Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Mango Mint Sparkler

Today's recipe is very delicious n refreshing drink with Mango n Mint Combo. I made this recipe long back for The Gourmet Seven April Edition under theme Summer Drinks. Because of my health issue i couldn't able to post that time and every time i kept postponing for one or the other reason. But that was also for a good reason i think, Yup that time i was not feeling well and the pictures were also not much impressive n inviting. Now after seeing so many mango recipes in the blogosphere i was tempted n made this drink today n clicked again. Hope i clicked well this time :)
I like mint touch in any fruit drink n with mango mint suits very well and this is on the perfect drink for Hot Sunny days. Very simple and easy to make. The original recipe calls for canned mango drink but here i used fresh mango pulp. Do give it a try, am sure you will love it!!
This Mango Mint Sparkler was adapted from Epicurious.com 
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