Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Savoury Kugelhopf ~ We Knead To Bake # 7

Kugelhopf, similar in style to brioche, is a sweetened bread that hails from Alsace, Frances northeastern, mountainous region. This is Typically baked in kugelhopf mold, which are tall, tapered versions of a Bundt cake pan but the bread can be made in a Bundt pan too. For this month's We knead to Bake Challenge, Aparna given us this Savoury Kugelhopf recipe with onions, capsicum, spices but for non vegetarian option you can also use bacon. Savoury kugelhopf can be served along with some coffee for snack or with a soup this makes a perfect meal. I love savoury breads a lot but now due to some reason am avoiding breads. So this month's bread is not for me but still i can bake them for my kids & H. But my kids doesn't like onions or savoury version so i added less onions n spices to the bread and added little more on the top.
As i baked this bread Yesterday with last minute tension i forgot to add nuts on the pan instead i added on the top of the dough so after baking the inverted bread looks like plain bread otherwise i followed the recipe and bread come out really good. I halved the original recipe and used only egg white, the bread was very soft and good.
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